The FIFA World Cup 2010

2:20 PM IAMeng 0 Comments

Ok..i can feel the world cup heat although i am not football fan and i am even not really 'chase' on EPL. I do not know deeply in football, so just give some personal view on this post...

Hmm..personally, i feel the most exciting is the open ceremony somemore South Africa is the host for FIFA World Cup 2010 and i am waiting for the champion team as well!
errhem..the most disappointed thing...hmm...for me, most probably is our hero-David Beckham is not in the team! Arghh!!! (i believe u girls have the same feeling also right?)
here comes the schedule of the game! hope u all r not involving in betting large amount of money on this game ya. (p/s: small amount of $ still ok 10bucks or less...lolx! in chinese they said ''大赌可会倾家荡产啊!'')
and remember, celebrate ur ultimate winning football moments with ur loved one^^

*Note:FIFA Wolrd Cup 2014 will held at Brazil*