New Year's Resolutions for 2011

9:47 PM IAMeng 2 Comments

Here comes a new year of 2011 and everything seems like start from 1 again! Cheers~ Woohooo~
thinking back wat i done last year, the big mistake was i didnt stay focus on my study, BUT i do not blame myself or feel regret on tat, i take it as my experience and i learn from this mistake.
Knowing tat i was not interested in study because my concept towards it was wrong.

The most important thing is...i growth a little bit matured in few aspect like familly, relationship, friends, money, studies.....

Ya, i remember back what one of my friend told me last week....''dont waste time''. Ushen is right, we should not waste our time anymore as i already 20 years old! It's time to do something GREAT for the sake of a good future.

So far, there are just few resolutions in my list...
1) Get Organized
-punctuality and organization are vital in our life, we need that in planning and getting the work done.
-discipline myself on studies, working and in home.
-stick with the daily schedule and plans

2) Staying fit & Healthy
-eat healthier, less fat , less sugar... ... ...
-get enought and effective sleep
-having exercise regularly, ect: jogging & workout

3) Learn something NEW & Excited
-learn how to play guitar

4) Helping others
-lend a hand to the others when they need. It always feels very nice to know that our actions can make other people smile and this is something to be proud about.

5) Enjoy the life to the fullest!
-Life comes once and should be enjoyed as much as possible in the right way. Staying alone and isolated, and staying morose does not help.
-Live positively is the key for happy life!

This is not a complete list...but i will update my target on right side bar of this blog.

At last, i wish all the readers have a Great and Happy 2011. Enjoy the life!


m!N w3Rn said...

well~~it is nice to have resolution!! but make sure u really try ur best to make it ya!! wish u luck n go well in everythg for this year^^ gambateh lo=) hihi support u 'mentally' la !! haha...

kaito kuroba said...

well done IM1...after reading your blog,make me feel 'something' in my heart...hard to describe it,get some feeling,make me want to more update myself...yup you are right...past thing is already past,important is now and future,do not let the mistake happen in your's life again...take care lo...stay happy and healthy...happy new year!...chinyik and god will blessing you all the time(ggs)...xD