The 'present-tense' thinker

3:54 PM IAMeng 4 Comments

Seriously, I'm envy those realist who always know wats their direction and works on their pathway full-hearted.

Yeah, to make it easy...i think ppl can be categorise into 3 group : Past-tense , present-tense and future-tense thinker. The realist in the present-tense group while past-tense thinker is those who always think fondly of the past times.

I admit, i'm a strong Future-tense thinker..yeah, i may be a good planner or life-adviser but i am sure tat its bring disadvantages to my life...oh my!

Why say so?!? nah...suspiciousness! tats is it! i will feel anxious when i goin to do something.. and it always lead to a 'waiting' status...i will asked myself to wait for the best chance to start the actions. by the time, i realised tat actually i wasted the whole chance but tat was too late.

i dont know why..i will just always keep waiting and procatinate which really make u move slower in life!

**to all my blog visitors: i sincerely advise u...dont be a the member of either Past-tense or Future-tense group. live in present tense! u will benifits more!

**to myself: once u come across anythings...just do it! there is no use to think too much! action is better than waiting.

JUST DO IT (but not Nike)

Love Life =3


Anonymous said...
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IAMeng said...

eh...u got the point! thx for the comment also^^

火吟 said...
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kathrine said...

i like this post.
after reading ur post,i find tat im a present tense.
when i chasing for something,
when i trying to get sth,
i will oso lost sth too.
mayb tat is a disadvantage of present tense thinking persom.